Monday, April 11, 2011

Harper Shenanigans

What Harper has been up to
From stories in the April 11 edition of the Chronicle Herald

According to Joan Bryden of the Canadian Press, the Canadian government led by PM Harper had approved increases in the maximum salaries political staffer are entitled to receive.  If the Tories were to lose the election, the 50% increase would be a very nice cushion.  The separation pay that the political aides can receive is on top of severance pay.  The changes went into effect, April 1, just one week before Harper announced budget cuts to eliminate the federal deficit one year ahead of schedule, in 2014-15.   The Liberals said that the changes would be “ very difficult to explain to working families.”

It is interesting what a $6.2 billion promise can do.  According to NL Premier Kathy Dunderdale, Stephen Harper is a transformed man who learned from his drubbing he got in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2008.  “People change,” she told reporters.  “People change all the time.”  Dunderdale’s  new found trust in Harper just happens to coincide with his campaign promise to offer loan guarantees or an equivalent, for a $6.2 billion hydroelectric megaproject in Labrador.
I guess everyone has his or her price.

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